Encountering a whale shark under water is the dream of every diver. We were hoping to see one for a long time but have never been lucky enough. There are only a few places in the world where you can swim with these amazing creatures. One of them is in isolated Indonesian Papua close to the township of Nabire where fisherman have developed a close relationship with whale sharks. Read everything about the unique experience of swimming with these gentle giants and how to arrange your trip on a budget.
Living with Sea Gypsies at Lato Lato Resort
I seriously never wanted to leave this place! After a hard time at work, the traveling and diving this was just the perfect place to relax and feel like in heaven. If I close my eyes I can still see the blue water, the mountains and feel the sun and a light breeze on my skin. Please somebody hand me a coconut and take me back to the Lato Lato Resort.